Live/Dry Blood Cell Observation 

Appointment days are Mondays and Thursdays only

Many of our clients and customers have sensitivities to certain chemicals and smells, therefore we ask that you please refrain from wearing perfume or anything scented the day you come in for your appointment. Thank you for understanding.

Live blood cell observation is a powerful tool to visually see the microbial activity in blood and to learn first hand about the ROT theory of aging and disease. Projected onto a large screen, you will see your blood live. This is an invaluable research and educational tool, which offers patients a visual and kinesthetic confirmation that changes they make in nutrition, hydration, stress and lifestyle are reflected in their blood.

Dry Blood samples are also required as they more accurately assess the level of free radical activity or oxidative stress. Excessive levels of free radical activity are associated with degenerative diseases.

What Can Live/Dry Blood Observation Tell Me?

Depending on the irregularities found in the blood, one can see where the body may be out of balance. The following are just a few examples:

  • The level of activity or lack of activity of the immune system

  • The condition of the red blood cells in liver, kidney, pancreatic, heart, lung, prostate, ovarian, breast and other organ stress

  • Detection of the presence of parasites, yeast, fungus, mold, and the degree of pleomorphic activity

  • Observation of features associated with blood sugar imbalance

  • Observation of features associated with malabsorption of fats

  • Observation of features associated with protein malabsorption

  • Observation of phenomena associated with nutrient malabsorption / vitamin deficiency

  • Observation of crystalline forms such as protoplasts, fibrous thallus, uric acid, cholesterol and mycotoxins

  • Observation of phenomena associated with gastro-intestinal tract dysfunction

  • Observation of phenomena associated with degenerative conditions

Live/Dry Blood Cell Observation: $145

Call us to make an appointment - 803-798-8687.